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Why Choose Dr. Hubbard for a Thigh Lift Surgery?

Dr. Thomas Hubbard’s Thigh Lift surgery will remove bothersome loose excess skin from the thighs. Most will also find a much improved contour of the legs.

Before every procedure, Dr. Hubbard conducts an in-depth evaluation of each patient to create a customized surgery plan. You can trust him to address your thigh lift procedure with complete confidence and technical precision.

Dr. Hubbard in Virginia Beach can provide honest, straightforward answers to all of your questions and concerns. Request a consultation online or contact our office by calling (757) 600-6227 to discuss your options.

Am I a Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

You are a candidate for Thigh Lift surgery in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Chesapeake if:

  • You have excess, sagging or dimpled skin on the buttocks or upper half of the inside or outside of the thighs due to loss of skin elasticity, weight changes, genetics, and age.
  • You recently had extreme weight loss.
  • You are healthy and not a smoker.

What types of thigh lift surgeries Does Dr. Hubbard Offer?

Buttock Thigh Lift: Dr. Hubbard will remove skin in a horizontal pattern along the upper buttock or low back to lift the buttock and the outer thigh.

Vertical Thigh Lift: Generally the most common procedure for patients who just lost much weight. Dr. Hubbard makes incisions along the groin crease to the inner knee. This tightens both the inner and outer thigh.

What Can I Expect During My Procedure?

  • This outpatient procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
  • The surgery takes 2-3 hours.
  • First Dr. Hubbard will make the incision. Then he will tighten the tissue and remove all unwanted skin and fat.
  • He will tighten the skin and contour the thigh.
  • The incision will be closed with sutures.
  • Sometimes a tube will be used to drain any extra fluids.

Your results from your lift will be visible immediately and will heal over the next 4 to 6 weeks.

What Can I Expect During Healing?

  • After surgery, patients usually take 2-3 weeks to recover.
  • We will give you pain medication for any discomfort you may initially feel.
  • Exercise must be avoided for 3 weeks.
  • Swelling and bruising will disappear in 1-2 months.

The initial improvements achieved from your thigh lift should be last a long time, as long as you maintain stable body weight and commit to a healthy lifestyle.

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